



The co-dev test is in full swing, and we are absolutely thrilled by the abundance of valuable feedback we've received from all of you.
To bring you an even more heart-pounding game experience, we will be conducting server maintenance from 2:00-4:00AM PST on January 4th for bug fixes and game optimizations. Make sure you're prepared for the server downtime. We genuinely appreciate your patience and unwavering support! Now time to take a glimpse of what's to come. 

Optimization: World Exploration 

1. Added new Commission Tasks with enriched variety in the Blackfell, Lone Wolf Wastes region 

2. Added a tutorial Commission Task upon first entrance to Deadsville, allowing new Metas to familiarize themselves with the Commissions 

3. Expanded the constructible area in the Dayton Wetlands. Additionally, Metas can now build territories or set up camps with closer proximity to Settlements. 

4. Added the display of territory range in the territory relocation preview 

5. Replaced the Swarm with Cogitarid in foggy areas. No more Swarms in the fog! 

6. Adjusted rewards in foggy areas, which now provide a significantly larger quantity of Acid. The amount of Energy Links and rare metals has also been increased. 

7. Enriched rewards in Hales' Moving House and optimized its location and refresh rules. Rewards now refresh weekly. 

Optimization: Graphics 

1. Refined the interior of Gaia Cliff Monolith Danger Zone and Mirage Monolith Danger Zone 

2. Refined the structure of the annex building of the Alternate Reality Research Institute 

3. Optimized enemy distribution in Gaia Cliff Monolith Danger Zone and Alternate Reality Research Institute 

4. Refined the Gaia Military Base scene and optimized enemy distribution 

5. Optimized the VFX of teleport portals inside the Monolith Ruin 

6. Added post-processing effects to custom loading screens, bringing them closer to the default loading screen. 

7. Refined the graphic design of the Rustic Crossbow 

8. Optimized the shadows of Disciples 

Optimization: Vehicles 

1. Enabled First-Person View on certain vehicles 

2. Optimized the steering wheel and controls on certain vehicles 

3. Optimized the sitting posture on certain vehicles 

4. Optimized the interior view of vehicles during rainy weather 

5. Optimized vehicle collision and explosion effects 

6. Optimized the hill climbing performance of motorcycles when driving at high speeds 


Optimization: Gameplay 

 New Accessibility Features 

1. Added: Scroll to switch weapon, and press key to switch weapon, which allows Metas to switch only between slots 1 and 2 weapons. This feature is off by default. To turn on, go to Settings. 

2. Added: auto switch ammo. If a magazine is emptied, the weapon will automatically reload with available ammo, prioritizing the type with the largest quantity. This feature is on by default. To turn off, go to Settings. 

1. Added: auto switch weapon. if a weapon runs out of ammo, another weapon with available ammo will be automatically equipped. Weapons in slots 1 or 2 will be prioritized for the switch. This feature is on by default. To turn off, go to Settings. 

Setting Options 

1. Reorganized the arrangement of certain setting options to provide a more intuitive and logical flow 

2. Screen Shake Intensity now allows for a minimum value of 0 

3. Adjusted the limit of pitch angle, making it easier to handle enemies that are positioned above the head 

Reduced Difficulty in Boss Battles 

Simplified the normal-difficulty mechanics for Ravenous Hunter and Treant, to provide a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience. Changes include: 

Ravenous Hunter at normal difficulty 

1. Allowed Metas to deal damage directly to Ravenous Hunter without having to break its Gatling Gun first 

2. Once the Ravenous Hunter takes enough damage, the Gatling Gun will be dropped for Metas to pick up and use.  

Treant at normal difficulty 

1. Allowed unlimited attempts to attack Treant core within a 120-second time window 

2. Reduced the damage dealt by certain skills of Tangled Vines, and increased the Weakspot damage that Metas deal to those vines 

Optimization: Character Actions 

1. Improved logging animation by making transitions smoother when entering and exiting the logging state. Additionally, stabilized chopping frequency for a more fluid and realistic logging experience. 

2. Enhanced the barehand gathering animation for gathering gravel and logs to provide a similar experience to pickaxe gathering. 

3. Enabled Metas to automatically draw weapon and peek while driving.  

Optimized the turn around animation after moving backwards and throwing grenades 

5. Reduced the duration of the forward swing and decreased the interval between consecutive rolls, resulting in faster and smoother rolling.  

6. Optimized the operation experience of the Gatling Gun with reduced recoil 


Optimization: Others 

1. Adjusted the limit of pitch angle, making it easier to handle enemies that are positioned above the head 

2. Allowed mods to be directly re-equipped on new gear, eliminating the need to manually unequip and reapply. 

3. Enables Metas to use up all remaining draws at the Wish Machine, even when there is not enough Starchrom for a 10 draw. 

4. Structures belonging to the Defender (excluding the Staroid Restrainer) are no longer immune to damage when outside of Stronghold Conquests. 

5. Reduced the HP of Morphic Crate 

6. Lowered the material requirements for constructing structures in Workshop Defense 



1. Fixed an issue where trees would float after being chopped down 

2. Fixed an issue where weapons placed in the weapon rack would not appear or be visible 

3.Fixed an issue where items crafted using Source became bound items 

4. Fixed a rare issue where the weight of Meta was 1 kg 

5. Fixed an issue where reading Whisper posts would cause characters to become stuck 

6. Fixed an issue in the tutorial where the cutscene after securing Butterfly's Emissary Deviation did not fit properly on widescreen displays. 

7. Fixed the issue with Bounty Taks where the Computer Terminal is missing 

 8. Fixed an issue with the Public Crisis Event - Dig to Hell where the task Acquire all Astrealite without any Scavenger being dead could not be marked as complete 

9. Fixed a rare issue where building structures would not take damage when attacked 

10. Fixed an issue where aiming with the Sniper Rifle may cause character glitches 

11. Fixed an issue where the character cannot turn 

12. Fixed an issue where Circular Light had incorrect lighting effects. 

13. Fixed an issue where no dolls would drop upon defeating Arbiters 

14.Fixed an issue with Public Crisis Event - Dig to Hell where only the last Meta who delivered the Astrealite would receive rewards 

15. Fixed an issue with Public Crisis Event - Dig to Hell where Astrealite extracted would not disappear 

16. Fixed an issue with Public Crisis Event - Dig to Hell where certain tutorial texts are missing 

17. Fixed an issue with Public Crisis Event - Dig to Hell where delivering Astrealite would interrupt the event 

18. Fixed an issue with VFX for vehicle summoning  

19. Fixed an issue of missing VFX for damaged motorcycle tires  

20. Fixed an issue with improper alias display on Off-Roader 

21. Fixed an issue with the Seepage Zone in Securement Silo Theta where statues erroneously appeared outside the dungeon 

To learn more about Once Human, visit: 

• Official Website – https://www.oncehuman.game 

• Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2139460/Once_Human/ 

• Twitter/X – https://twitter.com/OnceHuman_ 

• Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/p/OnceHuman-100075881685019/ 

• Discord - https://discord.com/invite/oncehuman

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